Thank you for taking a look at this book. Without you it is nothing. And to get the book to you so many people were involved that the person writing it fades to insignificance.
Let’s start at home, with family and friends because they shouldered some of my chores so that I could tap away at the keyboard. My partner, Pam, is top of the list. Thank you for your elegant editing, insightful suggestions and patient encouragement. Thank you for helping me find my way. You have been supportive and encouraging and taken trouble to read my drafts correcting typos, poor grammar, nonsensical phrasing and confusingly presented ideas. Thank you.
A couple of influencers have metaphorically sat on my shoulder, in particular Charles Handy, the wise “social philosopher” whose ideas are forward thinking while grounded in reality. His gentle prodding has helped improve my style and approach, though much practice is still needed to match his. He remains a role model and aspirational figure for his extraordinary achievements and modesty. He walks the talk. Thank you.
Ivan Konig, an eclectic entrepreneur and philanthropist, has offered support and encouragement to me as I try to make a positive difference, without which I might have just stopped.
Michael Higgins, who has worked for social justice through for many decades and manages to keep the spirit of freedom alive in a suit. His passion, language and engagement found their way in to this work. Thank you for inviting us to Áras an Uachtaráin to chat about Common Sense and inspiring us with your knowledge of Teilhard de Chardin and your fervour for system change.
I would like to thank the innumerable people who have enabled me to keep going, shared ideas and made life interesting, but that would be a book in itself. It includes many who have gone before and left us with their insights and wisdom, perhaps starting with Socrates who knew it all two and half thousand years ago and put the answer most succinctly: Know Thyself, for that is how each of us liberates our potential (though easier said than done!). My gratitude to you all, friends and acquaintances, near and far, from those who helped produce the book to those who have engaged me to those who share their ideas on The Internet where much creativity and science is to be found (once you sift through the bias and propaganda). Many contributed unknowingly. It has all been valuable.
So, to be fair, this is a product of people everywhere and since the beginning. It is a story about people by people. Thank you, people.